The Loud Bassoon

Cosby (CBS)

Me: Alright, The Cosby Show! I haven't seen that in forever.

You: Mm-hm.

Me: Hm, this must be the later years.

You: Actually, it's not The Cosby Show, it's Cosby.

Me: When's it from?

You: Late 90s.

Me: Are you serious?

You: Totally.

Me: So he's a completely different character in this one?

You: Well, he's always basically doing Bill Cosby, but yeah, he isn't Cliff Huxtable.

Me: But Phylicia Rashad plays his wife in this one too?

You: Yeah.

Me: But they're supposed to be different characters than in The Cosby Show?

You: Right. More "working class."

Me: Are you serious?

You: Mm-hm.

Me: How long was this on the air?

You: Like four years.

Me: Are you serious?

You: Yeah, it ended in 2000, I think.

Me: This was on the air for four years, ending in 2000?

You: Yeah, I think so.

Me: Yuck!

You: I know.

Me: How did it last that long? It sucks.

You: I don't know; I guess people love Bill Cosby.

Me: Does he now have yet another new show wherein he and Phylicia Rashad again play an older married couple?

You: I don't think so.

Me: Wait, are they married in real life?

You: Mm … I don't think so.

Me: Well, they should be, and they should have a new show where they again play an older married couple. It could be called Cos.

You: If you say so, asshole.

1 lil' puppies

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Review by La Fée © 2004

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