The Loud Bassoon


Felicity self-indulgent whore hair short now very ugly
Scott Speedman as Ben very dreamy
Felicity season finale Ben or Noel
Noel upset mad at Felicity
Noel Scott Foley
Felicity now RA with old roommate, box still there
Secondary characters good, better than focal characters
Scott Speedman dreamboat
Tangi Miller as Elena black girl sex with teacher Chris Sarandon bad choice old news last season
Felicity with Ben then upset and not with Ben
Julie Pink Ranger mad at Ben too
Sean plump Jewish guy unrequited love for Julie
Everyone against Felicity, very good
Felicity no more pre-med, now art
Noel bad digits from bisexual girl
Felicity fun show

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies3 lil' puppies4 lil' puppies5 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Illusion Master © 1999

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