The Loud Bassoon

It's Like, You Know (ABC)

It's Like, You Know is an extremely weak, and totally unnecessary, attempt to be the Los Angeles Seinfeld. It is, of course, completely insufferable – anti-witty and anti-clever to an almost epic degree. The ensemble is forgettable … a bald guy, a couple of chicks, a guy with hair, the perennially unlikeable Chris Eigeman (playing a snooty New York writer), and the show's centerpiece, Jennifer Grey, playing herself.

That last bit is as close to inspired as the show gets, but once you're past the novelty value (and you already are, having made it this far into the review), you're so over it, and stuck with the reality of a really tedious sitcom.

The show is always about how the ensemble uses Jennifer Grey's name but it never gets them anything, and how Jennifer Grey tries to use her fame but it ends up backfiring. There's even a recurring joke in which characters utter the word "whatever" at odd moments … a joke which not only falls flat, but literally sucks the wind out of every scene its in.

Doesn't help that the cast provides the lamest, most self-loathing dialogue delivery since Full House. And although Jennifer Grey is an oddly refreshing presence on the show, harmlessly self-deprecating and actually quite attractive, the repetition of the jokes about her drastic nose job and how moderately famous she is just kill the whole thing.

It's sad to see that Carol Leifer, who has a brief cameo in this episode, is executive producing this tripe. It would be a lot cooler if Joel Grey (Jennifer's father, who also has a cameo) were executive producing. Then at least we could expect some lavish and delightfully decadant musical numbers.

My final handwritten note sums it up: "BOR-ing."

this shit blows

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Crimedog © 1999

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