The Loud Bassoon

Love is in the Heir (E!)

Unscripted TV depends on at least a semblance of reality, even if it's a reality revealed mostly in the editing room. Love is in the Heir is so fake-o and unconvincing that I don't even know what to make of it. The cast is clearly acting, so even if the premise is real (which it almost certainly isn't), the show itself seems like a giant hoax.

The show traces the travails of a supposed princess who's looking for love in all the wrong places, and she wants to be a country music singer. (?) Her supposedly gay assistant is always throwing tantrums, and there is some kind of deadline involved wherein if she doesn't get married within, like, a month, her supposedly rich, royal parents are going to cut her off. (?)

So if it's about her needing to get married, what's the deal with the country music angle? And if it's just a stunt to launch a supposed music career, what's with the romance angle? And at any rate, why should I spend any time watching someone so ugly do anything at all?

Remember when they used to make TV shows that were enjoyable? Me either.

1 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by La Fée © 2005

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