The Loud Bassoon

Surprise By Design (Discovery Channel)

Surprise by Design is predicated on the presence of its gay, bald host, Robert Verdi, who himself is predicated on his toothy smile, which I'm sure gets in the way of all the cock he stuffs in his mouth. He and his chubby co-host go into people's houses and redecorate. It's much the same premise as While You Were Out, as far as I can tell, and probably predates it. But WYWO is much better, and who can deny the outright sex appeal of Evan Farmer? Or the pro-Semitic allure of Teresa Strasser?

It's the only thing on in the afternoon that is halfway worth watching, but I usually just keep it on in the background while playing in online "Yu-Gi-Oh!" tournaments. The pace and general feel of the show is reminiscent of a rainy day: sluggish, sleepy, and that bald head gets me ALL WET.

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies3 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Michael Mudchute © 2004

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