Yes, Dear (CBS) 2000-2004
That this banal piece of shit, which is so forgettable as to not even register while you're watching it, lasted long enough to qualify for syndication, is a sad statement on the complete apathy of fat American TV audiences. Anthony Clark (of the somehow better Boston Common) and Mike O'Malley (of the quite worse Mike O'Malley Show) play regular dudes with non-descript wives, contending with the various difficulties of "being married." The supposed twist is that Clark is an up-and-up white-collar dude, while O'Malley is a tried-and-true blue-collar dude. But we learn that no matter what your class, being married is hard work!Especially when your wives are shrill, emasuclating caricatures diametrically opposed to your own TV-scripted ideals of masculinity. The performers are solid, but the show is shit. I hate TV.
  Loud Bassoon rating scale
Review by Romeo Early © 2004 |