Viridian Room online game
Developed by Toshimistsu Takagi

Remember escaping from the Crimson Room? Well, now you're in the Viridian Room. There is even a hole in the door that you can peep through to see into the Crimson Room.

The latest game in the Room series presents the same level of maddening frustration as the original, and although it lacks the style and hipness of the original, it gives you somewhat of a backstory to the weird universe you find yourself in. There is a skeleton on the floor, and you discover a diary that tells a tale of the unrequited love that put it there.

Unexpectedly, the goal of the game is not to escape the room, but to make the skeleton ascend into Heaven.

You are still required to click on impossibly tiny pixels to get things to work, and use an illogical sort of logic to get the puzzles solved. In fact, on the final puzzle, if you do it wrong, it tells you that you need to add more items, when you actually need to remove items to succeed. It's one thing to go pixel-hunting, but it is entirely unfair when the game tells you the exact opposite of what you have to do. The fact that it's Japanese is no excuse, even though they do drive on the other side of the road, and have blue traffic signals.

The game is a decent waste of time, but I would much rather waste time in happiness than in abject anger, which is really what this game inspires.

Review by Eggle