7-Select® Whole Pickle Crunchy Dill
Billed on the package copy as a collaboration between "two of the best brands on the planet"—7 Select® and OH SNAP!® Pickling Co., of course, currently ranked #3 and #4 behind Apple and Jordache Jeans on Mr. Blackwell's Brand BlackList—7-Select® Whole Pickle takes ol' Flanagan's pickle-in-a-bag innovation and runs with it
straight to the fuckin' finish line! At last, for those of us who only ever want one single crisp, juicy, flavorful whole pickle at a time, not that often, and are willing to pay $1.19 for the privilege, here's a convenient solution that finally frees us from the shackles of Flanagan's Whole Dill Pickle. Just imagine how even more relieved we'd be if Schmeckler were still on the scene!!!!!
Review by Pumboo Dongo-Dohnoh |