D.C. Sniper Caught, Killed (23 October 2002) WEDNESDAY, OCT 23 (AP) -- Washington, D.C. police announced today that they had caught the sniper responsible for killing eleven people in the last sixteen days. Officials confirmed that "Sex & the City" actress Kim Cattrall was gunned down with a precision-gauge artillery rifle in her hands as she shot at a playground from a second-story building across the street. Cattrall's management have not made a statement but have confirmed that Cattrall has not been in her native Los Angeles for a number of weeks. The Beltway area was rocked with a series of sniper attacks beginning late last week, with the sniper managing to elude identification until today. Witnesses providing descriptions managed to muddy the waters with conflicting statements. Police now speculate that Cattrall was using a variety of disguises, and possibly using her celebrity to deflect attention. "It's hard to believe that this monstrous killer could be the same person we see on HBO," said Senator Barbara Box. "We are now glad to have brought an end to this terrible tragedy." In a brief statement released Thursday afternoon, President George W. Bush said he was looking into possible ties between Al-Qaeda and Catrall, who was known to travel to Bali and Afghanistan between tapings of "Sex & the City." Cattrall's co-star, former "Melrose Place" star Kristin Davis, was torn by the news. "I am saddened for the loss of my friend, but greatly avenged by the death of the killer inside her. I hope she has found a better place." |