Cherry Ski

Cherry Ski is just what it ought to be, that is, Ski with cherry flavoring added. This is a relatively new addition to the Ski family, which previously included only Ski and Diet Ski. Though if memory serves, Cherry Ski was actually been around for a while in fountain form.

Some diner style places that serve Ski will also add some cherry flavor (the kind that goes on snow cones) to the regular Ski, as with the superior fountain version of Cherry Coke. This adds some nice kick to it, and more sweetness (as if it needed it) and somehow ups the refreshment quotient by leaps and bounds.

The canned or bottled version isn't quite as refreshing, but it's still damned tasty. As with milk, sometimes it's just not convenient to go straight to the source … I can't tell you how much money I've spent trawling swinger websites in search of lactating mothers.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Mario Speedwagon

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