Dr. Slice

On a trip to the local Arby's I discovered several things. First, the service there was terrible. Second, of the eight choices for beverage, four of the sodas were not working. Third, there was a strange lesion on my scrotum. But I'll focus on the beverage, as I need to save the rest for my memoir, Surviving Bad Service and Scrotal Cancer.

Since diet soda does not even qualify as a consideration in my book, that left me with two options. And I was not in the mood for a fountained iced tea. So I tried the only choice left, Dr. Slice.

The Pepsi people have tried many variations on the Slice theme over the years, never quite getting it right (Mandarin Orange and Cherry Slice … not anyone's first choice). So my initial response to Dr. Slice was hesitancy. I figured it would be yet another Dr Pepper knockoff.

I was partially correct. There is a distinct Dr Pepper-ish tint to the taste, but with a strong cherry cola presence as well. The fruitiness added to that indescribable taste of Dr. Pepper makes for a drink that mixes well with pretty much every meal, from a burger and fries to pasta to steak. (Those are the only possible meals, right?)

It's a soda I'd drink flat without much complaint. And I've yet to find an alcohol it doesn't mix well with.

There is only one problem: it's limited availability. Most grocery stores don't carry it in any form, can, bottle, or 2 liter. You can find it at most Arby's, and some 7-11's though. In any event, it's a treasure worthy of the search in this mad, mad, mad world.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Mo' Rice

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