Pete's Honey Wheat

One of a seemingly endless variety of beers produced by one of the microbreweries to actually outgrow micro-market stature, Pete's Honey Wheat is an interesting brew, but not as amazing as the hyperbole on the box would have you believe. The box prattles on about the usual crap, "choice hops" and "premium barley" and "the freshest mulch money can buy" … all right, so I made the last bit up, but Pete's Honey Wheat is still merely an average fancy beer.

It has enough of a wang to let you know you're not drinking a Bud Light, but I don't particularly taste honey or wheat in it. Maybe it's worth another try … well, I am a helpless alcoholic like me, so I'll go for it.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Mario Speedwagon

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z containers