
In the wake of the excitement over 7-Up's "Make 7-Up Yours" campaign, I felt the time was right to give the uncool uncola another chance. Yes, I know I have devoted years to an ongoing campaign to blot out people's memory of this dinosaur drink and focus them on the fresher, sweeter alternatives of Sprite and Slice. Still, when a company is willing to use the phrase "Up Yours" to sell its product, I'm suddenly all ears.

So as fortune would have it, a lone 7-Up appeared in my workplace refrigerator, and I decided it was time to see whether 7-Up was as bad as I've made it out to be. It's not, but it will surely never be my favorite beverage.

Despite the presence of the mysterious, mythological Lymon, 7-Up is overly sharp with carbonation and just isn't pleasant to drink. It's not refreshing in the slightest.

I will grant, though, that it is an incredibly clear drink, as advertised. But it's like watching a pretty lousy show with really good reception.

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies3 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by HIP

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