Nestlé Butterfinger

Crispety, crunchety, peanut buttery, etc. Relentless plugging by Bart Simpson aside, I've always thought that Butterfinger was a slightly overrated candy. First off, it doesn't taste particularly peanut buttery to me. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are peanut buttery; Butterfinger tastes like I know not exactly what. It's not untasty by any stretch, but it ain't peanut butter.

They're also quite messy, with a high crumb factor, due to the crispetyness and crunchetyness, and anyone who's ever eaten one can attest to their fantastic ability to embed themselves like concrete in your back teeth, guaranteeing that you'll be eating Butterfinger for the next hour or so. Small price to pay for diabetes, I say!

Review by Mario Speedwagon