Up-and-coming movie star "Bo Laramie" (Cole Hauser) gets in a fight with an asshole photographer (Tom Sizemore) who was taking pictures of his son. The photographer sets out to ruin the star, managing to cause a car accident in which Laramie's family is badly injured. The next hour is a boring and laughably clichéd kill-fest in which Laramie hunts down and smites all of the photographers involved in the accident. Huh? The crappy writing had Hauser seemingly begging the tabloids to ruin his life. The crappy acting had Hauser supposedly fighting for the well-being of his family yet looking like he was in line at the DMV. I mean, come on jackass, you're killing people, framing others for it, avoiding the cops, and still you look like you're stuck in rush hour traffic. No fucking sign of life at all. The last quarter of the movie gives up on all pretense of believability. The photographers sneak into Cole's house to plant cameras and Hauser dispenses with the clever murders in favor of simply bashing in heads with a baseball bat. The coup de gras comes when the local cop realizes Hauser has killed everyone and lets him of scot-free. Who comes up with this shit? Well, let's pray he's not given a chance to come up with any more shit like this. I heard that the word "paparazzi" comes from the name of a character in La Dolce Vita the movie Paparazzi has about as much to do with La Dolce Vita as the Matthew Broderick version of Godzilla. I fear I'll continue to be angry for a good long while for having shelled out eight bucks for this idiotic piece of Hollywood claptrap.
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