Delinquent Juvenilia

Delinquent Juvenilia I: Eric Haugen vs. The Whiz Kids

"Wanna go have a party in the shower?" "No. How about in the bath?" That's kind of funny.

Policeman: You know, The ending of "The Brady Bunch" looks a lot like the HOLLYWOOD SQUARES.

Cecil: How come the room is so big when we're in a van?

Policeman: HEY! WAKE UP! This isn't that BORING! These kids today! Bowl haircuts and inattentive!

Policeman #1: Hey! Turn on Mister Rogers! I love that guy.

Policeman #2: Wanna go have a party in the shower?

Policeman #1: No. How about in the bath?

Policeman #2: These goddamn cops think they can have their homosexual affairs … wherever they want to! I hate them!

Policeman #2: My face just changed. By the way, you're ugly.

Policeman #1: Thanks! (Into phone): Put me through to Pat Sajak.

Criminal: Listen up! I may look like Popeye, but I am your barber.

Voice on other end of phone: AHH! MY HEMMORRHOIDS JUST FLARED UP!

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