Delinquent Juvenilia I: Eric Haugen vs. The Whiz Kids
More "ugly" insults, a fart joke, and an extremely bad pun, even for 8th grade. I'm going to have to go back in time and slap myself around.
Man #1: Look at the cute tattoo on my wrist! Hortense: Do they always use such ugly guns? Cecil: They're ugly? Look who's talking! Cecil: Who flatuated? Hortense: Mrs. Gumby did! YUCK! Mrs. Gumby: Sorry! Next time I won't eat chili. Hortense: Why are we in a big white void? Mrs. Gumby: Quiet, stupid! Man #1: Ever heard of a comb? Look at my partner's mask! Ha Ha Ha Ha! And so, moments later
Blue woman (singing): I've got the blues
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