Delinquent Juvenilia I: Eric Haugen vs. The Whiz Kids
Typical 8th-grade product shout-outs: Krazy Glue, Ex-Lax, Depend Undergarments.
Cecil: Mrs. Buttface! Hortense glued my hands together! Hortense: Yeah, but he hit me with a carton of Ex-Lax! Girl: And she ate it, too! Girl: Who poured the strawberry jelly in my hair? Mrs. Buttface: I did! I thought your green hairstyle sucked! Mrs. Buttface: As a special treat for your hard work, you all get free Depend Undergarments! Mrs. Buttface: Now I must commit suicide. Girl: I love it when she dies! Boy: Why is my hair blue? Hortense: Because I sneezed on the back of your head! Hortense: YUCK! Who barfed on the computers? Cecil: I think I did. Girl: YAY! It's my turn to clean it up!
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