Delinquent Juvenilia I: Eric Haugen vs. The Whiz Kids
Burping, more urination humor, a Kaopectate reference
Hortense: Computers can be a valuable resource. They can help you spell dirty words. Hortense: BURP! Mrs. Buttface: How come this room is 3 different colors? By the way, Hortense, you must cut down on the beer! Computers in Home-Ec
Hortense: It's fun to make toast in the disk drive! Hortense (looking at computer screen displaying dog urinating on fire hydrant): Computers have good graphics. Hortense (looking at screen displaying "Enter date please"): Computers like it when you shove fresh fruit into them, such as dates. Hortense (looking at screen displaying "You are very ugly. You are very stupid. Ha Ha Ha Ha"): Computers can insult you and enjoy it! Hortense (looking at screen displaying illegible directory): Sometimes they print something totally unreadable. Put Kaopectate in it. That'll help. Hortense: Mrs. Buttface, you need a shave. This razor blade should do it. Boy: Why is my hair blue? Mrs. Buttface: Will you stop asking that?
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